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suplementos para el estres ashwagandha nutralie

Sometimes we find ourselves in times where our life is busier than normal or where it is difficult for us to follow a daily routine due to a trip, a moment of change or a personal problem. This can cause stressful situations, sleep problems and a lot of tiredness.

Ashwagandha is a plant native to Asia that has been traditionally used in Ayurvedic medicine for its revitalizing and regulating effect on the nervous system.

In this Nutralie we tell you the benefits that this supplement has on your health and how it can help you deal with situations of change, fatigue and stress.


Known as the “Ginseng of India”, the root of this plant is rich in withanolides, substances that stand out for their adaptogenic effects, that is, they help us deal with situations where alterations or imbalances occur in the nervous system, either due to stress or fatigue.


The withanolides act by decreasing cortisol in the body, a hormone responsible for stress states. This contributes to a sense of calm, relaxation and well-being, improving the quality of sleep and reducing the symptoms of anxiety.
In addition, it can increase the production of serotonin, the neurotransmitter responsible for regulating mood, which increases the feeling of happiness and well-being.
ashwagandha nutralie stress supplements


Ashwagandha works by stimulating energy production in cells, which improves vitality and physical and mental performance and reduces feelings of tiredness and fatigue.
In addition, by increasing resistance to stress it helps you by providing the energy you need to face the day to day.


Our formula Ashwagandha Complex contains KSM-66®, a patented Ashwagandha extract that has a higher concentration of withanolides, 5% compared to 1.5% that normally has a standard extract of this plant.

It also contains vitamin B6, vitamin B12 and rhodiola, which combined enhance the effects of this active ingredient on our health. Vitamin B6 and vitamin B12, act in synergy regulating the nervous system and rhodiola provides an increase in physical endurance, helping to decrease fatigue, and contributing to normal energy metabolism.

In addition, this supplement can also improve cognitive function thanks to the combination of the assets it has, improving concentration, mental performance and memory.

To enhance its effects you can combine it with other supplements such as Melatonin Complex which will help you fall asleep by regulating the circadian cycle and with Vitamin B12 Complex, which will provide you with that extra energy to face the routine.

Original price was: 19,90€.Current price is: 16,90€.



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