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The summer holidays are the perfect time to switch off, relax and enjoy unforgettable moments with friends and family.

However, changes to routine, long journeys and time differences can have a negative effect on our sleep, which can reduce the quality of our holidays. Below, we will find out how this supplement can improve your sleep and well-being during the summer holidays.


Melatonin is a hormone produced naturally by the pineal gland in the brain and its main function is to regulate sleep-wake cycles, known as the circadian rhythm. This rhythm is crucial in order to stay as healthy as possible and remain suitably alert during the day, and facilitate restful sleep at night.

Melatonin doesn’t just help you to fall asleep faster, it also improves sleep quality, promoting deeper and more restorative stages of sleep.


During the holidays, particularly when travelling to destinations with different times zones, experiencing jet lag is common. This phenomenon occurs when our internal biological clock isn’t synchronised with the new local time, which can lead to difficulties in falling asleep and feeling rested.

Melatonin can play a vital role in quickly and effectively adapting to these changes, helping to readjust our biological clock and providing a more gentle transition to the new time zone. By improving the internal synchronisation, melatonin enables you to enjoy the day fully without the negative effects of jet lag.


In addition to time zone changes, sleeping in new environments while on holiday can present additional challenges for optimum rest. Unfamiliar beds, background noises and alterations to daily routine can make it hard to fall asleep.

In these cases, melatonin can act as a natural sleep enabler, helping you to fall into a deeper sleep and, together with the lemon balm, which calms the nervous system, it helps to encourage a calmer and more refreshing sleep. It also incorporates California poppy, linden flower and valerian root, known for their calming and sedative effects, which complement this formula to reduce the time needed to fall asleep and improve the quality of rest. This enables you to wake up refreshed and ready to make the most of every day of the holidays.


Despite being a time spent on relaxation and fun, holidays can also bring stress and anxiety related to the planning of the trip, managing itineraries and adapting to new surroundings.

Melatonin also has calming properties that can help to reduce these levels of stress and anxiety. By encouraging refreshing and deep sleep, melatonin enables you to face everyday challenges with more mental clarity and renewed energy. This function is complemented with vitamin B6 which is vital for the synthesis of neurotransmitters like serotonin, which helps to improve mood and sleep quality and passion flower, traditionally used to alleviate stress and anxiety.


Unlike some sleep medication, melatonin is a natural supplement that doesn’t generally cause any adverse side effects. This makes it a safe option for improving sleep without the risk of becoming dependent or excessive drowsiness the following day.

This comprehensive approach not only promotes optimum sleep in new environments and while adjusting to new time zones, but it also helps to reduce the stress and anxiety associated with travelling, enabling you to enjoy your holiday to the max.

You can combine the use of this supplement with others that provide overall health benefits:



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