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In this digital age, where we are constantly exposed to screens and ultraviolet light, taking care of our vision is more important than ever. The eyes are particularly vulnerable to oxidative damage and infection, and over time, exposure to harmful factors can lead to serious problems.

For this reason, specific supplements are vital to maintain healthy vision over time. Find out how Vision Complex can become your best ally.


Vision Complex contains a powerful combination of active ingredients that work synergistically to support eye health. Lycopene has anti-inflammatory properties that may help reduce the risk of macular degeneration. Aristotelia Chilensis reduces inflammation and helps prevent retinal ageing. Pine Bark strengthens ocular blood vessels and Copper helps prevent the development of eye diseases, such as macular degeneration and cataracts.


Constant exposure to computer screens, mobile phones and other electronic devices that emit blue light can penetrate the eyes, causing damage to the retina and contributing to the development of problems such as age-related macular degeneration and digital eye strain.

To counteract these effects, Vision Complex combines ingredients such as Lutein, which filters blue light and protects the retina, Astaxanthin, which reduces eye strain caused by blue light and improves visual comfort, and Myrtilus, which strengthens ocular capillaries and improves circulation in the eyes. These components act as a natural filter, protecting against the harmful effects of ultraviolet light and screens.


Vision Complex is also ideal for improving vision in low-light conditions thanks to its vitamin and mineral content that promotes adaptation to the dark and reduces eye strain. Vitamin A improves night vision, beta-carotene is necessary for the production of rhodopsin, a pigment that allows vision in low light conditions, vitamin C protects the retina and B vitamins help prevent symptoms such as blurred vision and sensitivity to light.


It also has ingredients that help to soothe the symptoms of eye irritation, providing noticeable relief and improving the quality of life for those prone to irritation. Vitamin E soothes eye inflammation and protects against oxidative stress, Grape extract reduces irritation and improves eye circulation, Pine bark offers antioxidant properties and Sea Buckthorn helps to moisturise and soothe irritation and discomfort.


Finally, it strengthens the eyes against possible infections thanks to ingredients such as Copper, which plays a crucial role in immune system function, helping to fight infections, and Selenium, which can be beneficial in reducing inflammation in the eyes and relieving symptoms associated with inflammatory eye conditions such as conjunctivitis.


Vision Complex is a comprehensive supplement designed to protect and improve all aspects of eye health. Keep your vision healthy over the years and reap the benefits of Vision Complex today.

You can combine the use of this supplement with other supplements that provide eye health benefits:

Original price was: 24,90€.Current price is: 21,17€.



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