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People interested in maintaining their cholesterol levels
Cholesterol is a necessary lipid that is found naturally in organisms, however it is important to maintain normal blood cholesterol levels for proper health. Our supplement is especially aimed at those people interested in their blood cholesterol levels.

People interested in the cardiovascular system
The production of free radicals is essential for the proper functioning of the cardiovascular system, which is why its protection against oxidative damage is essential The new improved formula of Nutralie Red Rice Complex yeast stands out for including vitamin E, which contributes to the protection of cells against oxidative damage and vitamin C, contributes to the normal formation of collagen for the normal functioning of blood vessels.

Vegan and vegetarian people
Nutralie Red Yeast Rice is completely vegan, as its formula is based on ingredients of plant origin. This makes it a product that can be present in both vegan and non-vegetarian diets. It also contains no gluten or lactose and is suitable for coeliacs and lactose intolerant people.

Both men and women
Because it contains the right amount to promote the general well-being of any person and to offer its beneficial effects.




(3 customer reviews)


The new Red Yeast Rice Complex from Nutralie is characterized by being a 100% vegan product, whose main ingredient is red rice yeast, a fermented rice that acquires its bright reddish color by being cultivated with Monascus Purpureus yeast.

This Best in One formula contains the active ingredient monacolin K10. In addition, it is combined with very beneficial ingredients that create synergies with each other to improve the well-being of the body, such as coenzyme Q10, vitamin C and natural extracts of sage, garlic, astragalus and sugar cane.


Nutralie Complex Red Yeast Rice is presented in a package containing 90 vegetable-coated capsules.

- +


The active principle of our food supplement is monacolin K10, naturally present in red rice yeast.


In addition to niacin, Nutralie’s Red Yeast Rice Complex formula contains coenzyme Q10, a naturally occurring antioxidant molecule present in the body. This formulation has been improved with the presence of other beneficial ingredients for the body and that enhance the properties of its main ingredients, such as plant sterols, vitamins C and E, and natural extracts of sage, garlic, astragalus, and sugar cane.

Nutralie’s new improved Red Rice Complex yeast formula stands out for including vitamin E, which contributes to the protection of cells against oxidative damage, and vitamin C, which contributes to the normal formation of collagen for the normal functioning of blood vessels .

100% VEGAN
The ingredients of Nutralie Red Yeast Rice Complex are of plant origin making the food supplement 100% vegan, ideal for both vegan and non-vegetarian diets. In addition, its combination is gluten and lactose free, making it suitable for coeliacs and lactose intolerant people.


Take 1 capsule a day with a glass of water.

Safety warning
Food supplements should not be used as a substitute for a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle.

Do not exceed the stated recommended daily dose. Food supplements should be stored out of reach of young children.

Food supplement intended exclusively for people who want to reduce their blood cholesterol level.

Avoid consuming more than 3g/day of added plant sterols or stanols.

Consult your doctor if you are under treatment to lower cholesterol.

This food supplement should be used as part of a balanced and varied diet that includes regular consumption of fruit and vegetables to help maintain carotenoid levels.

The daily amount of 3 mg of monacolins from red yeast rice or more should not be consumed.

Should not be consumed by pregnant or lactating women, children below 18 years old and adults above 70 years old.Seek advice from a doctor on consumption of this product if you experience any health problems.

Should not be consumed if you are taking cholesterol-lowering medication.Should not be consumed if you are already consuming other products containing red yeast rice.

Not recommended in people under anticoagulant treatment or in women with a personal history of breast cancer.

Keep the container tightly closed and stored in a cool and dry place.


Red Yeast Rice

Amount per daily dose 1 capsule NRV* %
Sage Extract

Rosmarinic acid

150 mg

3,75 mg

Plant sterols 100 mg
Garlic Extract


100 mg

2 mg

Vitamin C 80 mg 100%
Red yeast rice

Total monacolins

Monacolin K

50,87 mg

2,90 mg

2,54 mg

Astragalus Extract


50 mg

8 mg

Coenzyme Q10 30 mg
Vitamin E 12 mg 100%
Sugar cane extract



20 mg

19,6 mg

2 mg

Policosanol 30 mg
Niacin 16 mg

*Nutrient Reference Values.


Sage leaves and stems dry extract (Salvia officinalis L.), vegetable capsule: glazing agent (hydroxypropylmethylcellulose), plant sterols (14084,5 mg/100 g), garlic bulb dry extract (Allium sativum L.), L-ascorbic acid (vitamin C), red yeast rice (Monascus purpureus), astragalus root dry extract (Astragalus membranaceus Moench), coenzyme Q10 (ubiquinone),DL-alpha-tocopheryl acetate (vitamin E),sugar cane sap dry extract (Saccharum officinarum L.), nicotinamide (niacin – vitamin B3), bulking agent (microcrystalline cellulose), anti-caking agents (vegetable magnesium stearate and silicon dioxide).


Can this food supplement help with energy metabolism?
Yes, because our food supplement Red Yeast Rice Complex contains vitamin B3 as an added value, which not only contributes to normal energy-yielding metabolism but also contributes to the reduction of tiredness and fatigue.

How and when should Nutralie Red Yeast Rice Complex be taken?
Take 1 capsule a day with a glass of water. The recommended intake is one capsule a day during a meal, accompanied by a glass of water. For example during lunch or dinner, always adapting to the best routine for each person.

How long should the food supplement be taken?
Our Red Yeast Rice Complex food supplement has been designed to be taken daily and continuously without the need for spaced breaks in intake, always adapting to the needs of the consumer.


  1. M. Rodríguez

    Me llegó al día siguiente de hacer el pedido.
    Compré la levadura de arroz rojo porque mi padre ya la usaba con buenos resultados y este producto me sale mucho mejor que en la farmacia.

  2. Saints

    Coincidiendo con los resultados de una analítica que no fueron lo todo satisfactorios que se esperaba respecto a los índices de colesterol, Amazon me brindó la oportunidad de probar estas cápsulas. Siguiendo las indicaciones de un familiar médico, comencé a tomarlas junto a dieta y ejercicio aeróbico.
    El producto me llegó a casa correctamente precintado y con una fecha de caducidad del producto idónea.
    En el envase, el fabricante ha incluido noventa cápsulas que se ingieren fácilmente. Siguiendo las indicaciones del fabricante, se recomienda tomar una al día. .
    Tras tres semanas de uso, y tras haberme realizado una prueba de colesterol en la farmacia, tras contrastar los resultados con la que me realicé en el mismo lugar el día que comencé el tratamiento, los índices de este se han reducido levemente. Por ello, aunque todavía es relativamente pronto para lanzar cohetes, estoy contenidamente satisfecho con sus resultados. Aunque considero que el principal cambio se debe al hecho de haber adoptado formas de vida saludable, he de reconocer que toda ayuda es buena y este producto parece que, de momento, la proporciona. Espero que, si te ha resultado útil mi valoración, así lo valores.

  3. Lanas

    Complemento alimenticio de levadura de arroz rojo, enriquecido en su formulación con coenzima Q10.

    El bote trae 90 cápsulas que cubren 3 meses de suministro ya que se toma 1 cápsula diaria. Es un producto apto para personas veganas. No está recomendado para niños, adolescentes, embarazadas y mamis que estén dando el pecho.

    Este complemento lo toma mi marido, previa prescripción médica, para reducir el elevado nivel de colesterol que le ha salido en la última analítica. Las cápsulas son similares al tamaño de un Nolotil por poner un ejemplo, se tragan bien y no saben a nada raro. No le causan molestias en el estómago ni nada. Es una alternativa vegetal al uso de medicamentos para paliar este problema de salud.

    Lo que más le gusta es que solo tiene que tomar 1 cápsula diaria, con otras marcas eran 2 o incluso 3 y repartidas en las comidas, lo que le resultaba algo tedioso y, a veces, hasta se le ha olvidado alguna toma. Además, es mucho más completo que otras que ha tomado que solamente tenían levadura de arroz rojo y punto. Cuando se le acabe el bote lo seguirá adquiriendo porque le gusta mucho.

  4. Pietro

    ormai da alcuni anni in commercio si trovano integratori naturali che aiutano a combattere alti livelli di colesterolo.
    Ho iniziato ad utilizzare questo tipo di integratore già da alcuni anni soffrendo di colesterolo alto e sono riuscito a ridurre il colesterolo di un buon 20/30 %.
    Questo integratore di Nutralie oltre a contenere il lievito rosso di riso fermentato, contiene anche aglio secco utile per la pressione e fitosteroli di soia sempre utili per tenere a bada il metabolismo dei grassi e il coenzima Q10
    che è un potente antiossidante che con l’invecchiamento tende a diminuire nel nostro organismo. Ottimo anche il rapporto prezzo, qualità, con 90 capsule per tre mesi si può stare tranquilli,
    una capsula al giorno abbinata ad uno stile di vita sano è un pò di movimento permette di tenere il colesterolo nei giusti limiti.

  5. Angy

    nel complesso: 8/10
    qualità dei componenti: 7/10
    rapporto qualità/prezzo: 8/10

    Questo integratore alimentare è adatto a chi deve abbassare i livelli di colesterolo nel sangue. L’elemento principale è il lievito di riso rosso che è un elemento naturale ed è sempre più diffuso negli integratori con questo fine evitando di ricorrere alle statine.
    Generalmente le cure con gli integratori sono piuttosto lunghe, e la confezione prevista in questo caso è di 90 capsule da assumere una al giorno, quindi copre un periodo di cura per tre mesi.
    Avendo già utilizzato un altro prodotto a base di questo principio attivo sono andata a confrontare le composizioni delle capsule , ho riscontrato una concentrazione maggiore di Monacolina K in queste della Nutralie.
    Il prezzo è buono, decisamente più vantaggioso dell’altro articolo che ho acquistato. Consiglio questo prodotto.

  6. Stefano

    Personalmente assumo con buone soddisfazioni Cardionam della Named da oltre 6 mesi, recentemente ho avuto la possibilità di provare questo prodotto della Nutralie formula simile, specialmente in rapporto del quantitativo di Lievito di Riso Rosso fermentato e Monacolina K, all’integratore della Named che assumo abitualmente da tempo.

    Ho iniziato ad utilizzare queste tipologie di statine naturali dopo assunzione giornaliera per ben 9 mesi con statina artificiale (Torvast e Rosuvastatina). L’assunzione con satina artificiale ha comportato un malessere generale continuativo e miglioramenti abbastanza contenuti, in rapporto al dosaggio assunto (40 mg – 20 mg – 10 mg), nella concentrazione di colesterolo, specialmente di quello cattivo LDL. Essendo l’assunzione con statina artificiale, nel mio caso, consigliata meramente a scopo precauzionale dopo intervento cardiologico e per presenza di patologia diabetica (nonostante il mantenimento dei livelli di colesterolo e trigliceridi entro il range consigliato da decenni), ho preferito su consiglio medico passare all’assunzione di integratore contenete Monacolina K (statina naturale) per il mantenimento dei suddetti valori target, eliminando al contempo stesso il malessere generale causato da quella artificiale (principalmente: dolori muscolari/ossei, formicolio, stanchezza generale, difficoltà lavorativa e a sostenere un’attività motoria prolungata). L’assunzione con statina naturale ha permesso di mantenere il livello di colesterolo cattivo LDL a non più di 75-80 e trigliceridi a 60, test ripetuto mensilmente nell’arco di tre mesi dal passaggio.

    Fin dal principio dopo lo stop con le statine artificiali ho iniziato ad assumere l’integratore denominato Cardionam prodotto dalla Named Natural Medicine, successivamente per brevi periodi della durata di non oltre 30-40 gg ho provato quello prodotto dalla DuLàc – Monacolin Expert Omnicol 1000 e dalla IBSA – Colesia. Entrambi i prodotti contengono 10 mg (ad eccezione di IBSA-Colesia che ne contiene solo 5 mg per compressa) di Monacolina K per capsula/compressa, oltreché l’aggiunta di altri componenti utili per le funzioni dell’organismo. Attualmente sto assumendo questo della Nutralia

    Premetto che nonostante l’assunzione di questo valido integratore, il conseguimento di ottimi valori target è dovuto principalmente a sane abitudini di vita, alimentazione sana e bilanciata, senza tralasciare una regolare attività motoria quotidiana (palestra, ciclismo, passeggiate e tante altre attività ludico creative), da ex agonista quotidianamente seguo, specialmente, un allenamento ciclistico di almeno 3-4 ore seguito quando possibile da una sessione di palestra di 60/90 minuti.

    A mio modesto parere questo della Nutralia risulta essere un valido integratore, leggermente inferiore a quello della Named se rapportato ad alcuni componenti presenti che ritengo molto importanti. Questo della Nutralia ha un quantitativo inferiore di Q10 e non contiene Vit B6-B12 e Acido Folico, per il resto contiene in aggiunta Fitosteroli di Soia ed Estratto Secco di Bulbo d’Aglio.

    A differenza Cardionam oltre al principio attivo Monacolina K 10 mg derivata da 200 mg di Riso Rosso fermentato contiene: Niacina, Vit B6, Vit B12, Acido Folico, Coenzima Q10, Carciofo e Banaba.

    Attualmente al momento di questa recensione il costo d’acquisto di una confezione da 90 compresse si attesta a 19,90 €, costo d’acquisto molto accettabile considerando il quantitativo di capsule presenti. Per apprezzarne i benefici in termini di salute e miglioramento dei valori del colesterolo/trigliceridi occorre un assunzione periodica ripetuta se non continuativa (nel mio caso è consigliato un’assunzione continuativa a scopo preventivo). Inoltre aldilà dell’assunzione consigliata di 1 compressa al giorno, assumo 2 compresse al giorno (pranzo e cena) senza alcuna problematica, intolleranza o allergie, riuscendo al contempo a mantenere il valore del colesterolo LDL come quando utilizzavo le statine artificiali senza stare male.
    Personalmente ho apprezzato questo prodotto e sicuramente farò in modo di alternarlo a cicli alterni con quello della Named, soprattutto perché nel mio caso il quantitativo di Monacolina K risulta molto determinante nel mantenere il target ottimale.

  7. Marjorie Carlier

    J’ai beaucoup trop de cholestérol et la levure de riz rouge baisse la cholestérolémie. Ces gélules sont très pratiques pour gagner du temps.

  8. Maskim

    J’avais hate d’essayer ces compléments car j’ai tendance à avoir les jambes qui gonflent en fin de journée, plutôt les mollets. En effet la position assise derrière en bureau n’aide pas vraiment la circulation sanguine.
    Alors j’ai décidé de lui donner un petite coup de pouce en plus d’une alimentation équilibrée et suffisamment d’eau tout au long de ma journée. Pour un effet plus important, plusieurs fois par jour face à un mur je fais des extensions des mollets comme pour attraper quelques chose en hauteur et des flexions ensuite.
    Cela me soulage bien et je sens une amélioration. L’idéal reste de pouvoir pratiquer une activité physique régulière.
    Je recommande sans hésitation cette cure d’un mois environ.

  9. Yves

    La prise quotidienne de “levure rouge” de riz pourrait éviter des traitements médicaux bien plus lourds liés au cholestérol.

    Les autorités de santé européennes ont estimé qu’un tel complément alimentaire peut contribuer à maintenir un taux normal de cholestérol LDL s’il apporte une dose quotidienne de monacoline K de 10mg.

    À en croire sa notice, une seule gélule quotidienne de ce produit Nutralie assure cette dose, ce qui rend le prix du pack intéressant car beaucoup de produits concurrents ont un dosage nécessitant trois gélules quotidiennes, ce qui fausse une comparaison directe des prix !

  10. M. Rodríguez

    Het arriveerde de dag nadat ik de bestelling had geplaatst.
    Ik heb de rode rijst gist gekocht omdat mijn vader het al gebruikte met goede resultaten en dit product is veel beter dan in de apotheek.

  11. Saints

    Samenvallend met de resultaten van een bloedonderzoek die niet zo bevredigend waren als verwacht met betrekking tot het cholesterolgehalte, gaf Amazon mij de gelegenheid om deze capsules te proberen. Volgens de instructies van een huisarts begon ik ze in te nemen, samen met een dieet en aerobic oefeningen.
    Het product kwam goed verzegeld en met een ideale houdbaarheidsdatum bij mij thuis aan.
    In de verpakking heeft de fabrikant negentig capsules opgenomen die gemakkelijk kunnen worden doorgeslikt. Volgens de instructies van de fabrikant, is het aanbevolen om er een per dag te nemen … .
    Na drie weken gebruik en nadat ik bij de apotheek een cholesteroltest heb gedaan en de resultaten heb vergeleken met de test die ik op dezelfde plaats heb gedaan op de dag dat ik met de behandeling ben begonnen, is mijn cholesterolgehalte licht gedaald. Dus, hoewel het nog relatief vroeg is om raketten te lanceren, ben ik tevreden met de resultaten. Hoewel ik van mening ben dat de belangrijkste verandering te danken is aan het feit dat ik een gezonde levensstijl heb aangenomen, moet ik toegeven dat alle hulp goed is en dit product lijkt dat voor het ogenblik te bieden. Ik hoop dat, als u mijn recensie nuttig vond, u het zult waarderen.

  12. Lanas

    Voedingssupplement van rode gist rijst, in de formulering verrijkt met co-enzym Q10.

    De fles bevat 90 capsules die goed zijn voor een voorraad van 3 maanden, aangezien er dagelijks 1 capsule wordt ingenomen. Het is een product dat geschikt is voor veganisten. Het wordt niet aanbevolen voor kinderen, tieners, zwangere vrouwen en moeders die borstvoeding geven.

    Mijn man neemt dit supplement, op voorschrift van een arts, om zijn hoge cholesterolgehalte, dat bij de laatste analyse naar voren is gekomen, te verlagen. De capsules zijn ongeveer zo groot als een Nolotil om een voorbeeld te geven, ze zijn gemakkelijk in te slikken en smaken niet vreemd. Ze maken je maag niet overstuur of zo. Het is een plantaardig alternatief voor het gebruik van medicatie om dit gezondheidsprobleem te verlichten.

    Wat hij het prettigst vindt, is dat hij maar 1 capsule per dag hoeft in te nemen, bij andere merken waren dat er 2 of zelfs 3 en verdeeld over de maaltijden, wat een beetje vervelend was en soms vergat hij ze zelfs in te nemen. Het is ook veel completer dan andere die hij heeft genomen en die alleen rode rijstgist bevatten en dat is het. Als de fles op is zal hij hem blijven kopen omdat hij hem zo lekker vindt.

  13. M. Rodríguez

    It arrived the day after I placed the order.
    I bought the red rice yeast because my father was already using it with good results and this product is much better than the one from the pharmacy.

  14. Saints

    Coinciding with the results of a blood test that were not as satisfactory as expected with regard to cholesterol levels, Amazon gave me the opportunity to try these capsules. Following the advice of a family doctor, I started taking them in conjunction with diet and aerobic exercise.
    The product arrived at my home properly sealed and with a suitable product expiry date.
    In the packaging, the manufacturer has included ninety capsules that are easily swallowed. According to the manufacturer’s instructions, it is recommended to take one capsule a day … .
    After three weeks of use, and after having taken a cholesterol test at the pharmacy, and after comparing the results with the test I took at the same place on the day I started the treatment, my cholesterol levels have dropped slightly. So, although it is still relatively early days, I am content with the results. Although I consider that the main change is due to the fact that I have adopted a healthy lifestyle, I have to admit that any help is good and this product seems to be providing that for the moment. I hope that, if you have found my review useful, you will value it

  15. Lanas

    Food supplement of red yeast rice, enriched in its formulation with coenzyme Q10.

    The bottle contains 90 capsules that cover a 3-month supply as 1 capsule is taken daily. It is a product suitable for vegans. It is not recommended for children, adolescents, pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers.

    This supplement is taken by my husband, with a doctor’s prescription, to reduce the high cholesterol levels that he has shown in his latest blood test. The capsules are about the size of a Nolotil, for example, are easy to swallow and don’t taste funny. They don’t upset your stomach or anything else. It is a vegetable alternative to the use of medicines to alleviate this health problem.

    What he likes most is that he only has to take 1 capsule a day, with other brands there were 2 or even 3 and spread over meals, which he found a bit tedious and sometimes he even forgot to take them. It is also much more complete than others he has taken that only had red rice yeast and that’s it. When he runs out of the bottle, he will continue to buy it because he likes it so much

  16. M. Rodríguez

    Es kam am Tag nach meiner Bestellung an.
    Ich habe die rote Reishefe gekauft, weil mein Vater sie bereits mit guten Ergebnissen verwendet hat und dieses Produkt viel besser funktioniert als das aus der Apotheke

  17. Saints

    Zeitgleich mit den Ergebnissen einer Blutuntersuchung, die in Bezug auf den Cholesterinspiegel nicht so zufriedenstellend waren wie erwartet, gab mir Amazon die Möglichkeit, diese Kapseln zu testen. Auf Anraten meines Hausarztes begann ich, sie zusammen mit einer Diät und aerobem Training einzunehmen.
    Das Produkt kam ordnungsgemäß versiegelt und mit einem idealen Produktverfallsdatum bei mir an.
    In der Verpackung hat der Hersteller neunzig Kapseln beigelegt, die leicht zu schlucken sind. Nach Angaben des Herstellers wird empfohlen, eine Kapsel pro Tag einzunehmen.
    Nach dreiwöchiger Anwendung und nach einem Cholesterintest in der Apotheke und nach dem Vergleich der Ergebnisse mit dem Test, den ich am Tag des Behandlungsbeginns an der gleichen Stelle gemacht habe, sind meine Cholesterinwerte leicht gesunken. Obwohl es also noch relativ früh ist, um Raketen zu starten, bin ich mit den Ergebnissen zufrieden. Obwohl ich der Meinung bin, dass die Hauptveränderung auf die Tatsache zurückzuführen ist, dass ich einen gesunden Lebensstil angenommen habe, muss ich zugeben, dass jede Hilfe gut ist und dieses Produkt scheint das im Moment zu bieten. Ich hoffe, dass Sie, wenn Sie meine Rezension nützlich gefunden haben, diese auch zu schätzen wissen.

  18. Lanas

    Nahrungsergänzungsmittel aus rotem Hefereis, in seiner Formulierung angereichert mit Coenzym Q10.

    Die Flasche enthält 90 Kapseln, die bei täglicher Einnahme von 1 Kapsel einen Vorrat von 3 Monaten abdecken. Es ist ein für Veganer geeignetes Produkt. Es wird nicht empfohlen für Kinder, Jugendliche, Schwangere und stillende Mütter.

    Dieses Präparat wird von meinem Mann mit ärztlicher Verschreibung eingenommen, um den hohen Cholesterinspiegel zu senken, der bei der letzten Analyse herausgekommen ist. Die Kapseln haben eine ähnliche Größe wie z.B. ein Nolotil, sind leicht zu schlucken und schmecken nicht komisch. Sie regen den Magen nicht auf oder so. Es ist eine pflanzliche Alternative zum Einsatz von Medikamenten zur Linderung dieses Gesundheitsproblems.

    Am besten gefällt ihm, dass er nur 1 Kapsel pro Tag einnehmen muss, bei anderen Marken waren es 2 oder sogar 3 und auf die Mahlzeiten verteilt, was etwas mühsam war und er manchmal sogar vergaß, sie einzunehmen. Es ist auch viel vollständiger als andere, die er genommen hat, die nur rote Reishefe hatten und das war’s. Wenn ihm die Flasche ausgeht, wird er sie weiterhin bekommen, weil er sie so gerne mag.

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