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 People who want to restore or maintain their intestinal microbiota

Nutralie Biprotics Complex is the food supplement for those people who have suffered from an imbalance in their intestinal microbiota and want to restore it. It can also be used by those people who follow a healthy, balanced diet and want to maintain the normal function of their intestinal microbiota, as this type of supplement contributes to these beneficial effects.

People who want to restore or maintain their intestinal microbiota

Nutralie Biprotics Complex is the food supplement for those people who have suffered from an imbalance in their intestinal microbiota and want to restore it. It can also be used by those people who follow a healthy, balanced diet and want to maintain the normal function of their intestinal microbiota, as this type of supplement contributes to these beneficial effects.




(4 customer reviews)

Nutralie Biprotics Complex is a natural food supplement with a combination of 10 strains, which complement each other. This combination provides 50 billion CFU guaranteed over the useful product’s lifetime.

Biprotics Complex contains strains that belong to the group of lactobacilli and bifidobacteria. On the one hand, lactobacilli are a type of benign bacteria that normally live in the digestive, urinary and genital systems. On the other hand, bifidobacteria are a type of bacteria that settle in the intestines.


Biprotics Complex is presented in a package containing 60 vegetable coated capsules that are 100% gastro-resistant and suitable for vegans.

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The formula of Nutralie Biprotics Complex has been developed with 10 combined strains of lactobacilli and bifidobacteria, creating a product that offers the beneficial effects of both. In Nutralie Biprotics Complex we find:

– L. acidophilus
– L. casei
– L. gasseri
– L. paracasei
– L. plantarum
– L. rhamnosus
– L. salivarius

– B. breve
– B. lactis
– B. longum

Nutralie Biprotics Complex provides 50 billion CFU (Colony-forming Units) guaranteed until the end of the useful product’s life. In addition, Biprotics Complex contains 10 different strains of benign bacteria, each of which has its own function and beneficial effect on the body.

Our Biprotics Complex contains no lactose or animal-derived ingredients, being a 100% vegan product.


Take 1 or 2 capsules a day with a glass of water.

Safety warning
Food supplements should not be used as a substitute for a varied or balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle.
Do not exceed the stated recommended daily dose.
Food supplements should be stored out of the reach of young children.
Store in a cool and dry place.



Quantity of nutrients per Recommended Daily Dose Per 1 capsule Per 2 capsules
L.Acidophilus 2,5 109 CFU 5 109 CFU
L.Casei 2,5 109 CFU 5 109 CFU
L.Gasseri 2,5 109 CFU 5 109 CFU
L.Paracasei 2,5 109 CFU 5 109 CFU
L.Plantarum 2,5 109 CFU 5 109 CFU
L.Rhamnosus 2,5 109 CFU 5 109 CFU
L.Salivarius 2,5 109 CFU 5 109 CFU
B.Breve 2,5 109 CFU 5 109 CFU
B.Lactis 2,5 109 CFU 5 109 CFU
B.Longum 2,5 109 CFU 5 109 CFU

CFU* Colony-forming Units

25 109 CFU = 25 milions CFU | 50 10CFU = 50 milions CFU


Mix of 10 strains (Lactobacillus acidophilus, Bifidobacterium longum, Bifidobacterium lactis, Lactobacillus plantarum, Lactobacillus rhamnosus, Bifidobacterium breve., Lactobacillus salivarius, Lactobacillus casei, Lactobacillus paracasei, Lactobacillus gasseri), maize maltodextrin, vegetable capsule: glazing agent (hydroxypropylmethyl cellulose), anti-caking agent ( magnesium stearate), rice fibre.


When does the Biprotics Complex start to be noticed in the body?
It cannot be specified, as each person is different and depends on their organism. However, approximately two weeks after starting to use it, it is usually noticeable.

Does Biprotics Complex have any adverse effects?
Biprotics Complex has been scientifically proven to have no adverse effects.

Can Biprotics Complex be taken with other food supplements?
Yes, Biprotics Complex can be taken at the same time as any other Nutralie food supplement, as they complement each other. However, we recommend that before taking any food supplement, first consult a doctor or health specialist.

When should Biprotics Complex be taken? How should it be taken?
The use of Biprotics Complex does not have a fixed period. Its use depends on the choice of the consumer and can be stopped and continued as required. Take one or two capsules a day with water. This is usually taken at breakfast and at dinner, or at meals, which suit the individual’s personal routine.


  1. Alberto

    Adquirí este producto para mejorar las digestiones y la absorción de nutrientes en etapas como la mía, de déficit calórico por mi nutricionista. Tomo 1 cápsula después de las comidas y por ahora he notado digestiones más ligeras. Muy recomendable. Tiene buena relación calidad-precio, ya que tienes para 2 meses (60 cápsulas 1 vez al día), así que es justo lo que buscaba.

  2. Diego

    Por fin!!! Llevo un mes tomando estas pastillas y el resultado inmejorable, por fin puedo ir al baño agusto. Siempre estaba estreñido y con heces finas, ahora ya desalojo todo!!! Después de estas fiestas en las que se come y se bebe demasiado tengo la pastilla mágica que me hace estar feliz, parecerá una tontería pero no hay nada que te haga más feliz que ir al tono agusto. Gracias y mil gracias. Las pastillas no tienen sabor, son fáciles de tragar. Un envase bien presentado y poco más que decir que una poción mágica!!

  3. Maria y Christian

    La verdad que había oído hablar muy bien de esta marca y me han convencido los comentarios de gente que lo ha probado y le ha ido bien. No sólo contiene 10 cepas diferentes, sino que como probiótico es de los más completos, comparados con otras marcas que ya hemos probado. Contentos con la elección.

  4. P. Harrison

    I’ve been on Omeprazole for a number of years, so have ever present stomach problems, red meat in particular causes me several days discomfort. I started taking probiotics a few months ago and switched to these last week as they seem to be great value and get highly reviewed. So far so good! All in all a good, sound product.

  5. Daniel Da Silva

    Capsule is easy to swallow and doesn’t have any taste. Packaging is lovely with ingredients clearly labelled. Too early to tell any health benefits but have noticed an improved appetite.

  6. Chris Cooke

    I chose these probiotics because they are both a high dose (50 billion CFU’s) and contain 10 different strains. The label says you can take 1 or 2 per day, however 1 seems more than enough for me, as my previous probiotic only contained 5 billion CFU’s of 3 different strains (for a similar price). They are standard size vegetarian capsules and are easy to swallow (which I was a little concerned about with the dose being so high). Would definitely purchase again.

  7. Anna Charlotte

    This product contains 10 strains and is cheaper by far than the supermarket yogurt drink I was drinking before! I’ve seen major improvements in my mood since taking probiotics, which aligns with the emerging science that the mood is strongly linked to gut health. I feel like I’m doing something good for myself by taking this, and I will be repurchasing in future.

  8. Joelite

    Ho acquistato questo prodotto principalmente per mio marito che dopo una cura antibiotica aveva disturbi allo stomaco. Dopo soli 3 giorni di assunzione i problemi sono spariti! Direi un ottimo probiotico con ben 10 ceppi diversi e 50 miliardi per dose. Il barratolo è arrivato ben sigillato e contiene le informazioni anche in italiano. Mio marito ha assunto soltanto una capsula al giorno quindi un barratolo basta per 2 mesi. Facile assunzione e comodo da prendere. Credo sia ottimo anche per rinforzare il sistema immunitario in questo periodo freddo. Lo consiglio.

  9. Mary

    Mi serviva un probiotico che aiutasse la mia flora intestinale e le mie difese immunitarie per preparare il mio organismo alla stagione invernale e migliorare i miei problemi gastrointestinali e l’ ho trovato. In quanto sebbene siano pochi giorni che lo sto utilizzando avverto già notevoli miglioramenti specialmente a livello intestinale. Sono soddisfatta dell’ acquisto anche perché una capsula contiene tanti lactobacilli differenti e poi con 60 capsule ci sto bene due mesi.

  10. Mario GRM

    Sono una persona molto sensibile ai cambi di stagione e spesso questo periodo mi porta diversi scompensi intestinali e devo ricorrere a qualche prodotto probiotico. Ho acquistato su consiglio di un amico questo della casa Nutralie e posso confermera che si tratta di un probiotico efficace e soprattutto molto rapido nella sua azione. Dopo pochi giorni di utilizzo (max 2 capsule al giorno come scritto sulla confezione) ho gia percepito un netto miglioramento. Prodotto stra consigliato. Ovviamente spedizione puntualissima e confezione integra.

  11. Maria et Christian

    La vérité est que j’avais entendu de très bonnes choses sur cette marque et j’ai été convaincu par les commentaires des personnes qui l’ont essayée et elle a bien fonctionné. Non seulement il contient 10 souches différentes, mais en tant que probiotique, il est l’un des plus complets, comparé aux autres marques que nous avons déjà essayées. Je suis heureux de ce choix.

  12. Diego

    Enfin!!! Je prends ces pilules depuis un mois maintenant et le résultat est imbattable, je peux enfin aller aux toilettes en tout confort. J’ai toujours été constipée et avec de beaux tabourets, maintenant je me débarrasse de tout ! Après ces fêtes où l’on mange et boit trop, j’ai la pilule magique qui me rend heureux, cela peut paraître idiot mais il n’y a rien qui vous rende plus heureux que d’aller aux toilettes confortablement. Merci et merci beaucoup. Les pilules sont sans goût, faciles à avaler. Un paquet bien présenté et un peu plus à dire qu’une potion magique!

  13. Alberto

    J’ai acquis ce produit pour améliorer la digestion et l’absorption des nutriments à des stades comme le mien, de déficit calorique par mon nutritionniste. Je prends 1 gélule après les repas et pour l’instant, j’ai remarqué une digestion plus légère. Hautement recommandé. Il a un bon rapport qualité-prix, comme vous l’avez fait pendant 2 mois (60 capsules une fois par jour), donc c’est exactement ce que je cherchais.

  14. Kirsten Bouhadda

    Wirksam und unterstützend. Ich habe mir die Kapseln auf Grund eines Candidabefalls im Darm gekauft. Sie enthalten einige Bakterienstämme, die besonders gegen Candida wirksam sind, was ich sehr positiv finde. Nach einigen Tagen (incl Antipilzmittel) hat sich meine Verdauung schon verbessert. Je mehr Probiotika ich nehme, desto größer ist der Effekt. Es ist unbedingt wichtig bei der Candidabekämpfung ausreichend Probiotoka zu nehmen. ich kann diese Kapseln empfehlen. Sie sind nicht zu groß und gut zu schlucken und auch in einer magensaftresistenten Kapsel, so dass der Inhalt auch unbeschadet im Darm ankommt. Ich bin sehr zufrieden.

  15. TH

    Eine ganz klare Weiterempfehlung an jeden der Probleme mit der Verdauung hat! Seitdem ich mich schon länger mit dem Thema Verdauung herumschlage bin ich nach Rücksprache mit meiner Heilpraktikerin auf diese Kapseln aufmerksam geworden. Die Kapseln sind super einfach zu schlucken und haben absolut keinen unangenehmen Geschmack. Eine Kapsel direkt nach dem Essen hilft mir schon, damit der Bauch sich nicht aufbläht und sich dadurch das allgemeine Wohlbefinden bei mir steigert. Top Produkt, werde ich definitiv nachbestellen.

  16. C. Rodenbusch

    Ich nehme Antibiotika in niedriger Dosis aufgrund eines starken Rosazea-Problems, welches durch Cremes äußerlich allein schwer in den Griff zu bekommen ist, mache mir aber natürlich Sorgen, dass es meiner Darmflora nicht gerade zuträglich ist. Deswegen nehme ich sicherheitshalber diese Tabletten, um die Darmflora wieder etwas ‘aufzupäppeln’. Bisher scheint es mir für diesen Zweck auch gut geeignet, ich habe keine negativen Nebenwirkungen und hoffe, dass mein Magen sich dadurch etwas erholt.

  17. Chris Cooke

    Ik heb voor deze probiotica gekozen omdat ze allebei een hoge dosis zijn (50 miljard CFU’s) en 10 verschillende stammen bevatten. Het label zegt dat je er 1 of 2 per dag kunt nemen, maar 1 lijkt me meer dan genoeg, omdat mijn vorige probioticum slechts 5 miljard CFU’s van 3 verschillende stammen bevatte (voor een vergelijkbare prijs). Het zijn standaard vegetarische capsules en ze zijn gemakkelijk in te slikken (waar ik me een beetje zorgen over maakte omdat de dosis zo hoog was). Zou zeker weer kopen.

  18. Daniel Da Silva

    Capsule is makkelijk door te slikken en heeft geen smaak. De verpakking is heerlijk met ingrediënten die duidelijk geëtiketteerd zijn. Te vroeg om te zeggen wat de voordelen voor de gezondheid zijn, maar we hebben gemerkt dat de eetlust is verbeterd.

  19. P.Harrison

    Ik ben al een aantal jaren op Omeprazole, dus heb ooit aanwezige maagproblemen, rood vlees in het bijzonder veroorzaakt me een aantal dagen ongemak. Ik ben een paar maanden geleden begonnen met het nemen van probiotica en ben daar vorige week op overgestapt, omdat ze van grote waarde lijken te zijn en zeer gewaardeerd worden. Tot nu toe zo goed! Al met al een goed, gezond product.

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